Obee Board Volunteer Information - Credit Union in Olympia

Volunteer Information


Are you interested in volunteering to be part of our Board or Supervisory Committee? Learn how the process works. We are looking for committed members who will positively impact the future of our credit union. Some aspects of the volunteer postion include the following: 
  • Set policy
  • Plan the credit union’s course
  • Make sure the credit union maintains its sound financial condition
  • Keep communication open
  • Educate members about services
  • Review the President/CEO’s progress in achieving goals and objectives
  • Report to the members at the annual meeting

WhatTimeframeHow to applyWhat Happens
You'd like to volunteer for a position due to a vacancy.In this situation, you may apply when vacancies arise.Fill out the application form below.When vacancies arise, the group will both solicit for applications and look for those who have previously submitted their names.
You'd like to volunteer for a position by petitioning.Must apply at least 40 days prior to the Annual Meeting.Submit petition signed with 150 credit union members to nominations committee.Run-off election will be held by third party, with winner announced at annual meeting.
You'd like to volunteer for a position via nomination.Not earlier than 120 days prior to annual meeting and not later than 40 days.Submit your name, in writing, to the Nominations Committee at O Bee.The committee will select slate of candidates.


Thank you for considering a volunteer position with O Bee Credit Union's Board or Supervisory Committee. To begin, please fill in the Volunteer Application form below. Thank you!

Questions? Contact Kerry Kelly:

360-528-5339 | 

Volunteer Application
Background screenings, including credit and criminial history checks, are a requirement for selection.


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Questions? Contact Kerry Kelly:

360-528-5339 |