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Diversity Month

April is Diversity Month!

To celebrate Diversity Month, the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Committee is excited to present this new shirt we designed. These shirts may be worn on casual Fridays year-round! Let's celebrate diversity together! 

Get a Celebrate Diversity shirt!
The first shirt is free with an optional $5 donation. 

You are welcome to order more than one shirt, but each shirt you order beyond the first one will require a $10 donation to the CIC account (account #32865 Share 80).

If you are in the admin building, you can bring cash to a branch or message Liz ( and she can make the transfer for you.

Shirts will be shipped to your work location. 

Diversity in the Workplace

It’s no secret that a strong workplace is a diverse one, because it offers a unique range of skill sets, experiences, and backgrounds to pull from. Many companies are building diverse teams to include gender and racial differences, but diversity doesn’t end there. The potential benefits extend to looking at age, lifestyle, learning style, and personality—all of which can further impact productivity and innovation
A Harvard Business Review found that companies who take a holistic approach to inherent diversity (the traits that we are born with) and acquired diversity (traits we collect as we grow) operate with a higher level of innovation and inspiration. 

The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Committee is working towards our mission of fostering an environment where everyone feels safe, welcomed, and celebrated for who they are. We provide a path for embracing diversity, building and nurturing a culture where inclusiveness just is.

Our committee members are: Bryan T., Dave E., Krista, Cynthia, Vanessa, Anna, Chloe, Martha, Jaida, Leo, Danesha, Zy’kia and Tyler! You can contact us at