Transferring your credit card debt to an O Bee credit card that includes an introductory low interest rate can help you move toward a debt-free life. Consider these 4 points:
1. Low Interest Debt
Your biggest push for making a balance transfer is to get a break from the high-interest credit card rate that’s added to your balance. Making a balance transfer will allow you to take a real bite out of your debt and make progress toward getting rid of it completely.
2. Convenience
The more monthly bills you need to pay, the greater the chance of missing a payment. A balance transfer lets you consolidate the balance on several different cards into one, decreasing the number of monthly payments you need to make.
3. Motivation
Taking this significant step toward paying down your debt may motivate more careful spending habits.
4. Transfer Fees
O Bee does not charge a transfer fee. Most balance transfer offers charge a minimum of 3-5% of the balance you’re transferring. With O Bee, the transfer is free.
If you’re struggling with credit card debt talk to O Bee. Even if a balance transfer is not for you, we may be able to offer a personal loan that could be a solid first step toward debt freedom. Contact O Bee today to hear about our competitive rates and options.